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Precision essentials (7pcs, bez futrole)

2,970.00 3,300.00

Precision essentials set includes 7 brushes perfect for precise eyeshadow techniques such as cut crease, blended eyeliner, etc.


Set includes:

E207 – natural and synthetic hair mix / precise applying of eyeshadow, smudging

E208 – natural and synthetic hair mix / packing or smudging eyeshadow

E211 - synthetic hair / precise eyeshadow applying

E213 - synthetic hair / precise applying of concealer or pigment base

E219 – natural and synthetic hair mix / eyeshadow blending

E220 – natural and synthetic hair mix / precise applying of eyeshadow, smudging

E223 – natural and synthetic hair mix / eyeshadow packing


In the following link you can watch video presentation of all brushes: